Mercury Travel Group are experts in the area of managing your business’s strategic approach to travel. We deal with all the negotiations with suppliers, the complete day-to-day operation of the companies travel program, your client’s safety plus full credit-card management and trip and cost management.Together with your company we work with you on the level of service which employees are allowed to fly, negotiated rates with hotels, rental cars, and transfers and we determine as to how the companies credit cards are to be used. We then make the actual reservation within the guidelines given by the company
For a lot of companies, travel expenses represent the second or third highest annual expense, exceeded only by wages and benefits. Along with this travel is no the only part of the companies expenses when it comes company trips you always need to include all costs such as meals, taxies, tip, gifts, supplies (office supplies and services). We at Mercury Travel Group are able to handle all aspects of the Corporate Traveller and save significant time and money